Channel: Seat Time Clips
Category: Sports
Tags: gopro max modgopro hero 9 blackhero 9 hypersmooth 3hypersmooth 3.0gopro hero 9 vs 8hypersmooth 3.0 comparisongopro hero 9hypersmooth high vs boosthero 9gopro hero 9 reviewhypersmooth boost modehypersmooth 3.0 goprogopro 9hero 9 hypersmoothgopro hero 9 hypersmoothhypersmooth boost vs highmax mod
Description: The next iteration of the GoPro Action Camera has been released in the Hero 9 Black. The amount of setting options, updates and format changes are vast. As I start to talk about the GoPro Hero 9, I am going to focus on how it can be best utilized for dirt bikers, mountain bikers and those looking to capture their adventures on the trail. To quickly get started with this review of the Hero 9 Black, let's start with the Hypersmooth 3.0 updates. 🥋👕 Seat Time Shirts, Hoodies & Merch 👕🥋 Hypersmooth 3.0 is a software upgrade. The camera itself crops into the footage and does it's best to 'smooth out' the footage. Boost Mode is the most amount of hypersmooth available, while High Mode is the step down from Boost. There is also ON mode, which is the lowest amount of hypersmooth available. A new ability added to the software features of the Hero 9, which I do not go into here, is horizon leveling. This wasn't available on the action camera when it came out of the box. There was an update awaiting that added Horizon Leveling and more. One note about horizon leveling is it's only currently available with the Linear lens. If you like to shoot in wider lens modes, horizon leveling is not yet available. It's probably a few software updates away. For me personally, I want to see Boost, High and On modes next to each other. Hypersmooth Boost is too smooth for my tastes. Hypersmooth High looks ok, but it might also be too smooth for what I like to see when watching single track riding footage. Having the three hypersmooth features next to each other will tell me which one I like the best, and you as well hopefully, allowing me to 'choose wisely'. What features call out to you about the new GoPro Hero 9 black? What do you want me to cover in my 'for dirt bikers' hero 9 review? Do you care about the front facing screen for vlogging? Do you like helmet mounted or chest mounted? Where do babies come from? Links: GoPro Hero7 $250: GoPro Hero9 $399: Dango Designs Gripper Mount: Fly Racing Lite Hydrogen Jersey: Fly Racing Lite Hydrogen Pants: #SeatTime #ProductReview #Hero9 ------ Follow Seat Time Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: